Saturday, November 27, 2010

Chevy Siverado 427ss Price

Event November 13, 2010

First impressions of the event to November 13, 2010 Agen

Coordination 47 want to thank all those who have had the opportunity to come to protest yesterday in Agen. Though this event was a success we say it is our deep sense. In any case the heat and fervor of the protesters and we confirm that the teams for further action.

France 3 Aquitaine click here - after 12/13 13nov choose and click the down arrow - Left

TF1: click here: (click below and after the time bar around 7: 28 min)

Film Youtube: click here

Youtube: to relax ..... The secret of counting by the police (number of protesters) ......... Click here

Photos: click here and after Slideshow

Southwest November 13, 2010-By Christopher Massenot LGV: citizens across the region are demonstrating in the streets of Agen click here

November 13, 2010-By Daniel Bozec Julien Pellicier, Christopher Maryan Charruau Massenot and HSL: the battle intensifies rail click here

November 14, 2010 - By Christopher Massenot: They are protesting against LGV click here

The Dispatch / The small Blue November 13 2010 by JEROME SCHREPF Regional Event anti LGV this morning here in Agen

AFP - Le Figaro -13 November 2010 Demonstration against the TGV to Agen click here


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