Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Is Fruit Good For Phlegm

Tealight & Matisse

Today in New York it was really rotten, so I settled for fimoter ... And here's the result:

I thought photographed because I was too afraid that the glass breaks in the oven but it has taken so after sanding and varnishing it looks like this:

It is on there, but we see nothing to cause the flash then this is the result in Flash:
I'm disappointed the orange flowers have moved, but it was so hot ... And yes, rotten wet but warm .... and everything .... As in the tropics ... So the pasta is limp ... But as I am an incorrigible impatient ... I could not wait and now I'm disappointed ... Well done to my Strawberry, next time I would not rush ... But beware
I like it anyway ... my first candle

For the duck I was inspired Matisse to this table, which I know the name

And yesterday I finally managed to make a duck Matisse, except that I forgot to photograph when she was big and when I did it I had more than that (and given how it is small, I failed to take a clearer picture: o ()
So with this cane I did: a ring, not two rings, a pendant and beads with leftovers. They are a bit square-Bossue because I was afraid of damaging the grounds. I think I'll make a keychain charms.

And the last pearl I've made with cane rush that I used to make the pendant to my husband. I think I'm also getting a little keychain grigri.

That, for production .... This afternoon I sanded, polished and shiny ... My fingers are all Raplapla ... Good
c'te time I finished and I'm off to bed ... A more


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