Sunday, September 9, 2007

Iphone Southpark Streaming

Finally .... back

Hello everyone!

Yes it's back, and I went back to fimoter ... During the month I had the great pleasure to have my family with me at once the fimo to take second place. And I restarted in with great pleasure. Since I had a little trouble to motivate me I watched the tutorials a lot. So I went home to test LalAbidouille his technique duck claygun then I look at how to cover a pen in Tewe . And here's the result:

Then on my momentum as I enjoyed this technique I made
( finally I tried to do a peak at hair) I like him but it is very quirky ... I have not yet found the way to be regular for this ... But I'm working. Here

And at work:

I also made my first pin:

Then a little dress any color:

And to finish a bracelet I made at the beginning of summer but I just can

I had a blast making all these little things. I am delighted to take a little more intense ...